ROC Boxing brings you the most accessible and authentic boxing and kettlebell training in the area. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned boxer, our experienced coaches are dedicated to elevate your fighting skills, improve your endurance, and sharpen mental dicipline. Most importantly, we want you to have fun and be a part of our friendly and rapidly growing community.
Open Gym:
Sunday: 8am-12pm
Monday: 6am-11am, 4pm-8pm
Tuesday: 6am-11am, 4pm-8pm
Wednesday: 6:am-11am, 4pm-8pm
Thursday: 4pm-8pm
Friday: 6am-1pm, 4pm-8pm
Saturday: 8am-12pm
Whatever your fitness needs, ROC Boxing has a program that will show you results.
Next Beginner Program starts: March 3rd
Next Intermediate Program starts: March 4th
Our Youth Program builds self-confidence and overall self-discipline all while having lots of fun. Each program is 8 weeks long. It includes Boxing Skill Development - learn proper boxing stance, footwork and individual /combination punching.
Develop defense skills, and learn blocks and slips. Workout using the heavy bag, target mitt work, and situation sparring. As well it provides excellent conditioning - rope jumping, calisthenics, plyometric drills, and flat and hill runs.
Class size is limited to 12 students ages 8-16.

View all of our schedules and sign up for a life-changing workout like you have never experienced before.